Antarctic Tales (Enhanced Edition) - ROM - FREE

  • Antarctic Tales (Enhanced Edition) - ROM - FREE

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Product Information

Race against the clock to circle Antarctica! For 1 player.
Originally released in physical format by Intellivision Revolution.
This digital release includes an ENHANCED EDITION rom with new features. Plus scanned copies of box, manual and overlay. Also included: bonus content. 


Product Information

The Antarctic Tales Digital Bundle includes the following:

- Game rom (unencrypted, so you can play it on your LTO Flash, CC3, emulators, anywhere!)
- Both Enhanced Edition and original roms are included. The latter is the one previously sold in cartridges.
- Box, manual and overlay scans
- Bonus content: prototype roms, work in progress videos, draft box art, various assets, and much more. 

This bundle includes the previously unreleased Enhanced Edition rom. 
A worthy upgrade even if you already got the cartridge with the original version.
... and a great starting point if you haven't played the game yet!

The Enhanced Edition features: 
- Improved handling with automatic jumping (no more sore fingers!) and slower, more manageable speed.
- Difficulty was re-balanced and fine tuned, making for an enjoyable game each time.
- Visual improvements.
- Additional songs included.

... and much more!
This is the definitive version of the game. 

Looking for the physical version of this game?

Contact Intellivision Revolution.


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Product CodeANTZQRJH58
ManufacturerCarlos Madruga
Stock Level9926

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